- Delayed Gross Motor development:
- Babies not reaching milestones such as not rolling, sitting up, crawling (all 4’s), pulling to stand, standing, cruising, walking
- Infants not walking up and down stairs, not attempting to jump
- Children not keeping up with peers such as running, jumping, hopping
- Developmental checks for premature babies who are at risk of having developmental issues:
- Babies such as premature babies who are at risk of having developmental issues
- General developmental checks for all ages
- Developmental Co-ordination Deficit (DCD): where children have achieved most age appropriate skills but have poor balance and co-ordination
- Muscle tone: Tone that is increased or decreased causing stiffness or floppiness that affects movement
- Reduced posture: Where a child struggles to maintain correct posture while perform activities or sitting
- Reduced balance: Where a child often loses balance, trips over often, struggles to stand on one leg and finds sports hard. They may fatigue quickly
- Chronic Paediatric conditions: Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spina Bifida, Down Syndrome and other chromosomal disorders
- Peripheral lesions: Such as Erb’s Palsy, Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Injury