Hydrotherapy is a form of physiotherapy treatment that uses warm water to assist and resist body movements, relax and strengthen muscles and help reduce pain.

Aquatic activities can help the development and acquisition of your child’s motor skills on land.

Not only has hydrotherapy been proven to be effective in adults and rehabilitation populations it is also proven to be effective in the paediatric population.

In the paediatric population hydrotherapy can be used for: rehabilitation post-surgery; enhancing functional motor skills; increase strength and stability; and reduced swelling and pain.

Examples of Paediatric conditions Hydrotherapy can have a positive effect on are:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Hemiplegia
  • Low Muscle Tone
  • Down Syndrome
  • Reduced postural alignment
  • Scoliosis
  • Enhancement of functional motor skills (such as learning to walk)
  • Sporting injuries
  • Joint pain such as arthritis
  • Swelling

At Osana we offer Hydrotherapy as one of our treatment modalities when deemed appropriate.